The Journal

The Project


Domenica Bruni
Love, sex, and language:
Gender differences in sexual fantasizing and evolutionary evidence from storytelling

David Inglis
More Things in Heaven and Earth? On the Historical Sociology of World Images

Eliezer Ben-Rafael
From Multiple Modernities to Multiple

Vittorio Cotesta
The Axial Age and Modernity:

From Max Weber to Karl Jaspers and Shmuel Eisenstadt

Veridiana Domingos Cordeiro
‘Groups’ as a product of individual and
collective memory:
the hardcore of Maurice Halbwachs’ theory of collective memory

Anna Fligel
What do Isaiah Berlin and Leszek Kołakowski teach us? – A Short Lecture in Social Ethics

Hugo Neri
Problems, Solutions, and Resilience: A
dilemma emerged from individualistic
explanations for social knowledge

Celso Sánchez Capdequí
The Challenge of Creativity:

a Diagnosis of our Times

Klaus Lichtblau
Vergemeinschaftung and Vergesellschaftung in Max Weber: A reconstruction of his linguistic usage

Von der Grenze aus beobachten
Gespräch mit Gerhard Preyer
Geführt von Max Lorenzen

Jakob Schissler, Gerhard Preyer
Gesellschaft im Umbruch I
Politische Soziologie im Zeitalter der Globalisierung

Gerhard Preyer
Gesellschaft im Umbruch II

Jenseits von National- und Wohlfahrtsstaat



On Contemporary Sociology

As an additional service this section offers a number of free articles, introductions, or lectures. There are more samples on the pages of the volumes and our publications.
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Richard Münch
Die Dialektik von transnationaler Integration und nationaler Desintegration

Karl Otto Hondrich, Geteilte Gefühle, Artikel

Karl Otto Hondrich, Veröffentlichungen

Robert Kowalski
The Epigenic Paradox within Social Development

Klaus Lichtblau
Die Stellung der Soziologie innerhalb der geistes- und sozialwissenschaftlichen Disziplinen

Matthias Thiemann
Is the Whole More than the Sum of its Parts?

Nicholas Rescher
Presumption an the Judgement of Elites

Deborah Perron Tollefsen
Collective Epistemic Agency

Steven I. Miller, Marcel Fredericks, Frank J. Perino
Social Science Research and Policymaking: Meta-Analysis and Paradox

David Kettler
Negotiations: Learning from three Schools in Frankfurt